
Drabske svetnicky

The ruins of Drabske svetnicky are located in the Bohemian Paradise, Czech Republic. It’s not very far away from the capital city of Prague, you’ll get there in an hour. You can park your car about 2000 ft from the ruins and have just a short walk. Or you can follow the tourist trail for two miles, as we did. Surely, you can make a bigger trip and go further, but it wasn’t our case this time, since we wanted just a short trip with our baby.

Type of trip: walking, half a day
Difficulty: low (it’s short, but sometimes there are stairs or ladders, so I wouldn’t recommend taking a pram there)
Time of walking according to the navigation: one hour and 15 minutes
• The real time it took: about 3 hours (but we were eating, relaxing, taking a lot of photos,…)
Length of the trek: 2 mi
Elevation: ↑ 610 ft, ↓ 610 ft (nothing too difficult)
Transport to the place: by car from Prague to Dneboh – one hour (to a car park called “Dneboh – Drábské světničky”)
The date we were there: 5. 9. 2020


This was the first time we took our four months old boy to a trip in a baby sling. We wanted to try it because we were travelling with him only with his pram so far. For that reason, we didn’t plan this trip to be long and difficult.

On the way to Drabske svetnicky

On the parking place, there is a kiosk with food and drinks. There is sheltered outdoor seating, which came in handy to us, since at the end of our trip it was raining. The car park costs 30 CZK (about 1 euro), but it’s for the whole day, so it’s pretty cheap. And the ruins are for free, there is no entrance fee.

You’ll come to the ruins in 20 minutes from the car park on foot, it’s really close. We have met a lot of families with children who loved exploring the ruins. Well, I loved it too. And there were many places where I would like to spend a night – there were like rooms in the rock, covered from the rain. I can imagine looking at the sunset from this place, late in the evening when no other tourists are there. Must be pretty cool.

Drabske svetnicky

The views here are incredible and the trails are great as well.

Drabske svetnicky - view

Sometimes the trail gets a bit difficult, but even with a baby in a sling we managed to go everywhere.

Drabske svetnicky - stairs

From the ruins we followed the tourist trail called “Zlata stezka Ceskeho raje” (meaning “the Golden trail of the Bohemian Paradise”) and we visited so called Klamorna viewpoint.


We continued our trip to the place named “Studeny pruchod”, which was quite a cold and narrow path between two rocks.

Studeny pruchod

The last part of our walk offered us some nice views again.

Zlata stezka Ceskeho raje

And we went back to the car park. THERE you can read something more about the ruins of Drabske svetnicky, it’s in Czech language, but you can use a translator 🙂

That’s all from us, check our gallery bellow for more photos 🙂


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About us

We are Martin Brecka and Lucie Breckova, a young couple from Czechia. Lovers of lowcost travelling and trips to nature.

When we travel, we take a lot of pictures, shoot videos and later at home we write down some of our adventures. We’ve decided to share it with you on this blog.

You can find there tips for trips around Czechia and some other countries we’ve visited, as well as other useful information related to our way of travelling.

More about us and our blog HERE

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